What are composite veneers?

  • Handmade natural overlay that fit over the front of your existing teeth to improve their appearance. Veneers are just one of several ways to alter the appearance of your teeth.

What are the Pros?

  • lower cost

  • shorter application process 

  • can cover up many aesthetic problems, including misshapen teeth, discolorations, and other defects

What are the Cons?

  • material is weaker than porcelain and may chip often 

  • will need to be replaced or repaired more frequently than porcelain veneers

How long do composite veneers last?

  • They can last 2-4 years with proper care & maintenance. 

Can composite veneers be removed?

  • Composite veneers can easily be removed and repaired or replaced by adding new composite material.

How do I maintain my veneers?

  • You may feel confident about your smile after getting veneers, but over time your veneers may start to stain. Due to prolonged exposure to drinks like tea, coffee, or wine, composite veneers can stain.

  • Teeth whitening can help you achieve a brighter smile. 

  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush. Using firm bristles to clean your veneers every day may damage the composite resin or cause the gum line to slightly recede, exposing the base of the veneers. Thus, it is advisable to use a soft bristle to keep the thin coating of composite resin safe.

  • Brush your teeth after eating, smoking, or drinking. If you’re a regular smoker or extensive coffee consumer, you may need to brush your teeth two times a day to keep your veneers from getting stained (although that's good hygiene anyway). Other acidic and sugary foods can also cause noticeable stains and increase the likelihood of gum disease.

  • Be mindful of any hard, sticky, or tough foods.

Is it painful?

  • Getting composite veneers fitted is not considered a painful procedure. 

  • (No anesthesia/no shaving of the natural enamel)

Composite veneers are quicker to craft and apply than porcelain veneers. They’re often referred to as “same day veneers” because they can be fitted in a single visit.  The process is less complicated and conserves more of the original tooth structure.